Please direct press inquiries to, or 404.207.6565
What a long, strange trip. When I started, I hoped to maybe make some tiki mugs. Now I've met literally hundreds if not thousands of awesome Cthulhu and Tiki fans from around the world. We've had con promoters asking about custom runs, and shop keepers asking for mugs to sell. I've been interviewed by, posted on BoingBoing, Laughing Squid, the Lovecraftsman, Rowley's Whiskey Blog and IO9, and vlogged by the Booth Bastards and by Clint Arthur. We've also been mentioned and reposted in scores of tiki, cocktail, horror, and other generally geeky blogs. Here are links to some of my favorite mentions and reviews of the project from around the web.
Our premier mug was featured in the Needful Things section of "Rue Morgue" Magazine!

Some of our favorite mentions on the web:
Tiki With Ray.Ray Wyland does an interview about Devil's Reef, with some kind words for Horror In Clay.
A Mountain of Crushed Ice rum blog. This beautiful interview with Jason of Tacoma Cabana features our bitters extensively, with recipes, and some pictures of our mugs as well! February 3, 2015.
- Featured as one of Fangoria Magazine's Toys of Terror January 28, 2015.
- Gorgeous photos and a lavish nod in this review of Tacoma Cabana in Washington.
- A charming and thorough review from Cobwebbs. The Art of Darkness, Shadow Manor, and Halloweddings sites are all resources for injecting a little welcome darkness into your day.
the "Seriously, Dan" radio show. While vending at ConCarolinas 2014 I was invited to the studio by host Dan Carroll to talk a little about what we do as Horror In Clay.
- A studio tour and interview with the Artevaggio gallery and website owner, Samantha. I also has some work in their June 2014 show; "Dreaming"
Atlanta Retro. A great interview by Anya Martin that talks about our Innsmouth Fogcutter and what brought us to start Horror In Clay.
Inked Magazine Blog. As a tattoo collector, I was particularly stoked by the kind words from Natasha Van Duser and Inked!
- - Dieselpunk + Steampunk Culture website Here and Here!
Lately I've been thrilled to be asked to participate as a panelist at some conventions.
- Cthulhu vs. Lovecraft - Anachrocon 2013
- Cthulhu 101 - DragonCon 2013
- Featured Speaker - CrowdFundingAlumni - March Edition
We also got picked up by dozens more blogs and news sources around the world, like this one.
(Google Translate tells me this says, "Tiki mugs like Cthulhu. For more excellent people ~Tsu is indescribably evil whiff of magic items is a tropical Tiki Kamoshidasu! ! Like in recruiting investors at current Kickstarter.", but for all I know it says, "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu ftaghn!")